Friday, December 11, 2009

ok so it was more than a week!

I got wraped up with a couple of free lance job so I was not able to pot this right away but here's what I have thus farThis is a hair render test, the first of probably many.
And this little guy is the newest modeling of out Hero mort! currently working on getting Rigged up for animation, hopefully I will have some animation tests done by the end of January

Friday, November 20, 2009

Set Backs, but moving forward

I have good news and bad news, the bad news is the drive I was storeing all my work on went boom, and not just the drive, I believe the mother board went boom to, but heres the good news. I have a new computer and its better than the last one and I have already started work over again. Mort has been re modeled and the witch is coming out better than before, by next week I should have some screen caps of my progress.

On another note The show went up with out a hitch and I want to thank every who attended the opening, the show will be up till the 11th of December so go take a look the witch and mort make a Guest apperence,

till next week tata


Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm sorry but the animation will temporarly postponed do to a solo how just north of Houston!! come and join me

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Next MPS

In this animated short Mort and his Witch friend head into mexico!!
and exciting time I'm sure,... but with in the next month or so I should have
Mort and the Witch rigged and will hopfully be able to start some minor animating in the next 2

but I"ll keep you posted

Monday, July 13, 2009

characters coming together

mmm skinning
I can think of any thing I'd rather do than put skin on tiny people

this is a pretty ok example of how UV mapping works

Friday, July 3, 2009

so I finally have a witch head I"m happy with... at least for now

Friday, June 26, 2009

2 out of 5

I'm not sure if I will be posting all 5 up on this blog..some suprise might be nice for the Final, but thats kinda a ong way off

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hooray for Multi-plane animation!!!

here it is folks the First of thoses dreaded MPS that pop up in my animatic le me know what you think

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yay!! progress update

its ok everybody you don't have to worry anymore this month since a new post with a good update is here:

this is the currently 2-D illustratration I just finished up, this is going to be torn apart and made in to a Multi-plane still (MPS). if you may have noticed there were some blank points in my first comp labeled MPS. This would be the starting point to fill that blank spot, this is the first of 5 that need to get drawn and inked and colored, well Grey scaled , before I can even start making them parts to the finished animation. Anyway keep checking back and there will be more updates to come

Saturday, June 6, 2009

And now for a couple of long over due updates

I know every one of you 3"followers" is up set I haven't posted anything in a while, I"m not going to make any excuses, and just say look at whats New!!!

This is the work in Progress known as the "witch" she looks alitle to real as of now and I think I just need to stylize her abit more.

I'm pretty happy with the Progress of the our heroins kitchen, obviously it needs so texture mapping but that will come later.

and the bus... well its a Bus

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sorry For the lack of update but SOMEONE, who "might" be a roomate seemed to enjoy getting a virus on the computer hindering what I though was good progress, soon I hope to put up some finished character models, but that will have to wait till I get this little viral problem fixed up, till then check out my write up in starved magazine at

Sunday, March 29, 2009

making things happen animatic

well heres the animatic as it stands there are a few boards that are missing as well as the some stills that will be added later, but I hope you enjoi this little teaser that has been put together to help me figure out timings

Saturday, March 21, 2009

storyboards VIII

OK this is all the story boards I'm posting for now, that way I don't give away the ending, keep posted for more updates like set models, prop designs an animatic and of course updates and play blasts of the animation as it comes, see you soon


storyboards VII

storyboards VI

storyboards V

Friday, March 20, 2009

storyboards IV

More to come but for now you'll have to settle for the first 2 scenes

storyboards III

storyboards II

Making things happen Animation!!! storyboard update

every Body! I got some story boards for you, there are a couple missing due to me not scaleing them down yet but let the updateing began!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Making things happen Animation!!!

As some of you might know I have undertaken the task of learning how to model in 3d and animate. Though I have not gotten to the animation part of the project I have been knocking out alot of the prep work. I have been cranking out the story boards, building props and more importantly building characters, here I have the current models as they stand, there is still abit to do on them but I thought they were in a state that I could show them, I"ll be posting the story boards once they are finish which should be this week. keep checking back for more!!!